enira brand refresh


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Enira is a leasing company that has been specializing in providing financing for small and medium-sized businesses since 2022.

With ambitious plans for scaling, the company aimed not only to remain flexible in meeting clients' needs but also to maintain clear communication and stand out with a modern and vibrant design.

Our task involved updating the brand identity, developing a brand strategy, and creating a communication platform.

Brand strategy

We started with research: we spoke with entrepreneurs about their knowledge of leasing and whether they use this service.

Here are a few quotes:
— It's something like a loan

— It's only for large companies

— I don't have time to figure out leasing

Initial research revealed that many entrepreneurs perceive leasing as an outdated or inaccessible tool.

They often associate it with loans, believe it is only intended for large companies, or see the process as overly complex.

These perceptions significantly limit opportunities for business growth, impact financial stability, and even negatively affect the psychological well-being of entrepreneurs.

Our goal was to change this perception and demonstrate leasing as a clear and effective tool for business development.

The new brand strategy of Enira in one sentence

At Enira, we believe that leasing not only helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses but also improves their quality of life.

New slogan
Financial Next Level

The key element of the new strategy became the slogan «Financial Next Level», which highlights Enira's new positioning: leasing as a tool for life transformation. By incorporating anglicisms, the slogan stands out among competitors in the financial sector while remaining easily understandable to the target audience.


One of the key challenges companies face is the lack of awareness about the financial benefits of upgrading transport or equipment. Entrepreneurs often do not view these investments as strategic decisions that can significantly improve business efficiency and reduce operational costs.



The communication strategy is based on the principles of capturing attention, delivering a clear message, and encouraging action.

Focus Points

We use vibrant colors to instantly grab the audience's attention. Large fonts and objects ensure the message is easily understood, even from a distance, while the integration of a QR code makes transitioning to the website convenient and quick, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the advertising.

Visual Presentation

Instead of using excessive text, we chose imagery that clearly illustrates the core offer—leasing of vehicles. This approach helps potential clients immediately understand what is being offered without the need for detailed reading.

Call to Action

Simple and direct phrases like «Lease Now» and «Smart Solutions for Business Growth» highlight key actions and their impact on business success. This allows the target audience to easily grasp the information and understand the benefits they can gain.

Communicating Benefits

Since entrepreneurs are not always aware of the financial advantages of upgrading transport or equipment, we focused on directly communicating these benefits. This approach piques interest and encourages clients to learn more about the offer, potentially leading to real sales.





After numerous discussions and experiments, we settled on a logo shape featuring rounded corners of a square, which embodies a balance between stability and softness.

In creating the symbol, we embedded deeper meanings that reflect the brand's core values. In the typography, we paid particular attention to the harmony of each letter.

For example, the letter «і» is seamlessly integrated into the overall text line, not standing out in height, which enhances the unity of the composition.

The logo has various versions for different applications, ensuring it works well across all media—from digital screens to print materials—regardless of size.



The symbol of our brand is a powerful metaphor for adaptability and flexibility. It unites the various areas of the company's activities, symbolizing our ability to seamlessly integrate into any project and effectively solve tasks of varying complexity.

Font customization

To enhance the uniqueness of our logo, we customized the Space Grotesk font by making three key modifications.


For us, the Enira brand embodies the image of a modern, confident woman, and we aimed for the color palette to reflect this concept.

After conducting market analysis, we noticed that purple is rarely used in this niche, which presented a great opportunity.

We chose purple as the brand's primary color because it conveys the strength, femininity, and elegance we wanted to project.

The additional colors in the palette were carefully selected to harmonize with the primary color, creating balanced compositions for various communication materials—from presentations to advertising campaigns.


Chaotically arranged letters as an element of brand identity

The chaotically arranged letters of the brand name not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also solve the issue of unused space in layouts. This solution allows us to add dynamism to a monochromatic background while also emphasizing the stylistic composition.



We created a modern website that transforms a large amount of complex information into a clear and easily digestible structure, adhering to all the principles of the brand's identity.

The main goal was to simplify the leasing process, making it intuitive and fast.

By harmoniously combining design and content, we avoided overwhelming the user with unnecessary information while still providing all the essential details needed for informed decision-making.

Verlox team

Creative Director / Mykyta Zakrevskyi  
Brand Strategist / Ksenia Shevchenko  
Copywriter / Oleh Olenev  
Marketer / Andrii Naumets  
Designer / Kseniia Shtorhina  
Designer / Mykola Kharatin  
Motion Designer / Olena Dotsyk

ENIRA team

CEO / Nataliia Miachyna  
CCO / Viktoriia Merkulova

Let's get started

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