


«Miglior» is drinking water sourced from an artesian well at a depth of 220 meters, located in the protected area of Eastern Kazakhstan. The mineral water «Miglior» is directly delivered to the production facility for further water treatment and bottling. After undergoing UV purification, which does not alter the water’s properties, it can truly be called natural. «Miglior» water contains an optimal balance of salts and microelements essential for the human body.

The «Miglior» brand water offers delight in every sip, and this key factor forms the basis of its slogan.


To create branding and develop a full range of products for brand identity, including strategy, positioning, naming, logo, corporate identity, brand book, as well as a landing page and labels.


The naming «Miglior» was created by our agency using our exclusive method of conceptual word formation. Taking into account the brand positioning, the client's wishes, and the characteristics of the target audience, we developed a clear and memorable exclusive name.

It was important for us to create a name that emphasizes the product's premium quality, avoiding anything that would seem cheap. This solution conveys everything associated with a premium and noble product. The «Miglior» brand water is the perfect choice for conferences, business meetings, and is aimed at premium-segment consumers.


The «Miglior» logo features two sky-blue mountain peaks, which, in turn, are represented as two inverted drops of the purest artesian water from Eastern Kazakhstan, where the artesian spring originates. In addition to its clearly articulated aesthetic and environmental meanings, the logo also includes the numeric element «1981» – the year the artesian source was first utilized, reminding all potential brand enthusiasts of its established reputation and the complete trust of its customers. The brand logo consists of distinct lines, tracing the flow of artesian water, symbolizing the irreversibility of movement and the absolute freedom of the artesian stream.

Each individual element of this logo can be used separately, depending on the size and capacity of the mediums. For example, only the graphic part of the logo may be used, or the graphic and numeric parts with «1981», or finally, all together—the graphic, numeric, and name. The U-shaped base of the graphic part of the logo is a logical completion of the form, which does not carry any additional meanings beyond this.

Colors, labels, website

The primary color palette consists of noble sky-blue shades, symbolizing the pure, blue hue of the sky without grey or white clouds. It is an atmospheric, distant, all-encompassing tone closely associated with romance and dreams. It symbolizes distance, divinity, and unattainability. For the purpose of selling this artesian water in supermarkets in Kazakhstan, we have developed a line of labels for various water capacities, namely 0.33 liters, 0.5 liters, 0.75 liters, and 5 liters. Lastly, we also created a landing page for the client, aimed at attracting customers and familiarizing potential buyers with the «Miglior» product and brand.

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