Rebranding Paulson Int.


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Paulson International is an American company that has been a global leader in the manufacturing and distribution of eye and face protection for industrial professionals since 1947. The brand is represented in 76 countries through a network of over 250 authorized distributors.


The Paulson Int. team approached us with the goal of creating a cohesive brand image that would be memorable and stand out among competitors. Our task was to highlight the premium quality and innovation of Paulson Int.’s products, enhance brand recognition by adapting it to modern market demands, and establish a stronger connection with the target audience.To achieve this, we redefined the brand strategy and developed a new, comprehensive design system.


To understand the market and customer needs, we conducted a thorough study. We started with an analysis of Paulson Int., organizing several strategic sessions to identify the company's unique characteristics and the specifics of its products. Next, we examined competitors—analyzing their positioning, website and social media content, advertising messages, and pricing strategies. This allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the market landscape and identify opportunities for differentiation. Following this, we conducted in-depth interviews with the target audience, uncovering initial insights. Based on these findings, we decided to proceed with a quantitative study to validate or refute our hypotheses.


During our research, we uncovered a key insight: most people use standardized protective equipment not because it makes them feel safe, but because the rules require it. Instead of feeling protected, they experience constant discomfort—fogged-up glasses, chafing helmets—all of which distract from their work. They wear this gear solely to comply with regulations, yet deep down, they know it doesn’t provide true confidence. This compromise between comfort and compliance turns protective equipment into a mere formality, stripped of any real sense of security.


Now we have seen the full picture and have confidently defined the brand positioning: The most comfortable eye and face protection.The brand positioning is determined by the company's commitment to producing protective equipment tailored to the individual needs of its users.


We aimed to establish an emotional connection with our target audience by emphasizing the company's commitment to continuous innovation focused on product enhancement. This vision gave rise to "More than protection. Caring for you"—a slogan that encapsulates the core advantage of the Paulson Int. brand: a dedication to user comfort and safety that goes beyond standardized protection.To reinforce this message, we also developed the three-word slogan "Safety. Comfort. Innovation." It delivers a concise, clear, and emotionally resonant brand essence in a format that seamlessly adapts across various communication channels.



We have created a minimalist identity that balances precision and vibrancy. Paulson Int. develops eye and face protection products, so we aimed to visually reflect this specificity through a distinctive blurred circle.We chose a circle because eyes and facial features naturally have rounded shapes. The blurred contour carries deep meaning: it symbolizes the company's dynamic growth, its drive to go beyond conventional solutions, and its role in setting new industry standards.Our identity highlights that Paulson Int. is constantly evolving, pushing boundaries, and refining its products to meet new challenges and user needs.

brand identitybag
brand identity


It was decided not to radically change the "Paulson Int." logo in order to maintain its recognizability and connection with the audience during the transition to the new identity. Instead, we adapted the logo, making it more versatile, allowing the symbol or the typographic part to be used separately. This flexibility opens up more communication opportunities, making the logo easily adaptable for social media, print materials, and digital platforms.



The brand's products belong to the premium segment, and we aimed to convey this through the classic combination of black and white. We believe in the power of black, which lends elegance and a sense of exclusivity to every product. To add more emotion to the brand, we introduced a vibrant shade of blue—previously used but now enhanced to become a more striking and distinctive element of the brand’s identity.



Одним із основних елементів нової айдентики є типографіка. Ми ретельно підбирали шрифти, які б передавали відчуття легкості й зрозумілості, при цьому відповідали сучасному, мінімалістичному стилю бренду.

Основним шрифтом став Outfit він формує загальний тон візуальної комунікації. Доповнюючий шрифт Poppins додає системності та структурованості.

Завдяки поєднанню цих шрифтів повідомлення ефективно працюють як на великих, так і на маленьких за площею носіях.


Ми створили кутову верстку макетів, де кути відіграють ключову роль у передачі інформації.

Завдяки такому підходу спілкування з аудиторією стає більш ефективним, зрозумілим та швидкодоступним.

Як це працює? Логотип розміщується в одному куті, дескриптор — в іншому, що дозволяє одразу задати контекст бренду. В інших кутах можуть бути посилання на сайт або QR-код для миттєвого переходу.

Це рішення допомагає чітко розставити акценти, скеровуючи увагу аудиторії на важливі елементи.

layoutadvertising banners

При створенні макетів ми використали модульну сітку, де один модуль — це квадрат, отриманий шляхом поділу короткої сторони формату на 12 рівних частин. Такий підхід дозволяє створювати композиційно виразні макети, які виглядають цілісно.

Verlox team

Creative director / Mykyta Zakrevskyi
Brand strategist / Ksenia Shevchenko
Copywriter / Oleg Olenev
Marketer / Andriy Naumets
Designer / Ksenia Shtorgina
Designer / Mykola Kharatin
Motion designer / Olena Dotsyk

Paulson Int. team

SMO / Victoria Kirkevich